Recent news
Barbiere critic:
"The multi-talented and superactive Georgios Iatrou in the title role proved once again, apart from his singing power, his acting skills" -lifo
"The multi-talented and superactive Georgios Iatrou in the title role proved once again, apart from his singing power, his acting skills" -lifo
SEASON 24/25 Figaro in Barbiere, Dr.Falke in Fledermaus, Der Liebesbazillus konzertante, Demodokus in Odyssee at the Staatsoper Hamburg, He at the contemporary opera The Fall of the Haus of Commons and more tba.
Georgios sang the baritone part in "Das Lied von der Erde" by G.Mahler (arr. Schönberg) at the magnificent open-air location of St. Achillius in Prespes lake.
Georgios will debut the role of Silvio in "i pagliacci" by Leoncavallo at the open-air festival of Heptapyrgion in his hometown Thessaloniki. Shows 10,11,12&14.7 Tickets
Requiem Moiroloi comes to Athens Greek National Opera on 28.4. A project where Requiem Mozart meets laments from Epirus, Dowland and Byzantine music. Georgios will sing the bass part
Georgios will sing once more the role of Marcello in La Boheme at the Grieghallen in Bergen with Opera Bergen. 10,12&16 April 2024 Tickets
CRITIC for Odyssee-"The baritone Georgios Iatrou performed the thrilling aria of Demodokos, the divine blind Phaeacian singer. A stunning moment, in this extremely challenging aria written for baritone. The words in their primary form, with a deep greek feeling and momentum, shone, became regular script in the hall, the meaning deepened."
ANNOUNCEMENT. Georgios will also be singing the premier of Odyssee on 24.2 at the Staatsoper Hamburg (as well as 28.2, 1&2.3, 5.7).
Georgios will debut at the Hamburg Staatsoper with the contemporary piece Odyssee by G.Couroupos 28.2, 1&2.3, 5.7 Tickets
CRITIC on the film Prometheus: "And one can say that this film version is also fascinatingly haunting, especially thanks to the outstanding singing and acting performances of Georgios Iatrou... "
Next shows in December 15,17,21,23 at the Olympia Music Theater "Les Apaches d'Athenes" Tickets
UPDATE extra show 27.12
UPDATE extra show 27.12
Next shows in October and November: Bacchae at RomaEuropa Festival in Rome, Chalon sur Saone and Teatro Nazionale Genova .
Also Strella revival at the Greek National Opera.
Check out in Schedule section.
Also Strella revival at the Greek National Opera.
Check out in Schedule section.
The New York Times wrote a critic on Bacchae at the Holland Festival: "A commanding performance by Georgios Iatrou as a singing Teiresias..." - Laura Cappelle
7.6.23 at the Greek National opera Living Room a music performance made by Georgios and Anthi Kougia in cooperation with the Athens Pride.
Strella world premier on 1.2.23 at the Greek National Opera. TICKETS
CRITICS: Georgios Iatrou is Onegin... Iatrou is a vocal standout, the music pouring out effortlessly, including lots of high notes. He is compelling, making me believe everything that he is doing, whether as the Byronesque object of Tatyana’s affections, the shit-disturber hitting on Olga, then dueling with & killing his friend Lensky, and finally when he is smitten with Tatyana in the last scenes. As you can tell I was very impressed.
-Barcza blog
The roles are well cast with Georgios Iatrou as a passionate and strongly sung Onegin.
-Opera Ramblings blog
-Barcza blog
The roles are well cast with Georgios Iatrou as a passionate and strongly sung Onegin.
-Opera Ramblings blog
Georgios will do his North American debut in Toronto Canada singing the title role in Eugene Onegin on 26&28.8.22 ! TICKETS
Venturing in the world of theater Georgios will participate in the new production by Bijoux de Kant "Autumn" by K.Hatzopoulos at the Faust Theater in the center of Athens for 15 shows 13.5-5.6.22. Tickets
Georgios will sing Jesus in the world premier of Christi Kreuz vor Augen by Thomas Gabriel based on Matthäus Passion, the first Passion with a female Evangelist!
DRAUMA goes to Amsterdam live at the Vondelkerk on Saturday 26.2.22. Get your tickets HERE.
ORFEAS2021 the film will be premiered in Athens on 19&26.1.22 at 21:30 at the Greek Film Archive. INFO
New year´s Galas with the Südwestdeutsche Philharmonie unter Yorgos Ziavras. Dates: 1,2,5,6,7&8.1.22. Tickets
Next opera: Kritikopoula by S.Samaras on 19&25.12 at the Olympia Music Theater Maria Callas. Georgios will sing the role of Furlano, a barber and harlequin. Tickets
Here you can get your tickets for the online premier of ORFEAS2021, or if you are in Thessaloniki on 8.11 for the live premier at Tickets
Our film ORFEAS2021 is in the official selection for the Thessaloniki International Film Festival. Here you can watch the trailer.
REVIEW: Und also sieht Georgios Iatrou – singend, rezitierend, sprechend - wie Edward Snowden aus, der seine „Victims“-Aktenordner durchblättert, während er sich auf seinen vier Quadratmetern – auf dem Turm, der inmitten der Instrumente steht – wie Julian Assange in der Enge bewegt und, das ist pure Absicht, seine zwischen Wahnsinn und Prophetie changierenden Allmachtsfantasien („Auch Zeus wird stürzen“) in jenem Moment verkündet, in dem die Kamera ihn als Opfer des großen Auges von oben in den Blick nimmt.
-Der Opernfreund
-Der Opernfreund
REVIEW: "The singers undoubtedly deserve the greatest praise. The two baritones Georgios Iatrou (Prometheus, Jupiter) and James Young (Okeanos, Demogorgon) and the soprano Caroline Adler (Io, Apollo, Mother Earth) have achieved remarkable things - starting with the bloodcurdling screams and the rhythmically declaimed chanting passages of the first half in ancient Greek - and so contributed decisively to the success of the performance. This was recognized accordingly by the audience with long-lasting applause, standing ovations and shouts of bravo. "
Prometheus Unbound by F. Schwenk was live recorded during our show and can be enjoyed here: PROMETHEUS UNBOUND
Soon available on Spotify, Amazon music and Apple Music.
Soon available on Spotify, Amazon music and Apple Music.
UPCOMING PROJECT: Mythos Prometheus by C.Orff and F.Schwenk at the Young artists festival Bayreuth. Georgios will perform the roles of Prometheus and Jupiter. Live shows 11&13.8.21 at Europasaal.
Georgios will perform his first drag song recital as Nina Nai in Europasaal Bayreuth 3.8.21 at 19:00 with Yorgos Ziavras under the title "It's a sin"
Georgios talks about his passion about opera and drag performance and how he managed to merge those two worlds into a new genre. (interview in German)
23,30.5 and 6,13,20,27.6 at 21:00EET our opera The death of Antony will be broadcast for free by GNOtv.
UPCOMING PROJECT: The death of Anthony by H.Goyos at the greek national opera, alternative stage. A chamber opera based on the memory of the TV series "Candy Candy" and the writings of Slavoj Zizek.
The groundbreaking project DRAUMA won the 3rd Prize at the Goodmesh international competition. The support and comments were beyond any expectation. Thank you all.
Georgios participates at the finals of Goodmesh Concours international competition with a unique project combining the art of Lied with the art of drag. VOTE for the project DRAUMA at .
Thank you derOpernfreund for this beautiful critic for my recital with Yorgos Ziavras in Bayreuth: "...Iatrou empathizes with the songs, while at the same time giving them the rhetorical precision that the text deserves through the lyrical fullness and emphasis of his chiaroscuro voice...The baritone also interprets this unmistakable Mahler song (ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen) with strong, quiet emphasis...His Greek colleague Yorgos Ziavras is the ideal man at the piano: a symbiosis, no “accompaniment ” - or if so, then with the greatest discretion and the best of understanding. “Lieder über eine Krise” is the subtitle of the program. Occasionally, a crisis can sound very nice..."
After some cancellations due to miss Covid-19 Georgios will be singing a song recital on 9.8.20 in Europassaal Bayreuth. The programm consists of songs by Mahler, Strauss and Eisler.
Pianist: Yorgos Ziavras
Pianist: Yorgos Ziavras
Next project is Orfeas 2020 at the alternative stage of the Greek national opera. Georgios will be debuting the role of Orfeo (Monteverdi) on 14.3.2020
CRITIC for Dr. Falke: "... Georgios Iatrou is a striking Dr. Falke..." - Ingo Starz
Georgios will be singing Dr.Falke in Die Fledermaus at a fantastic production for the 80 years of the greek national opera. 7,8,16,19&22.2.20 GNO Athens.
Georgios will sing one more Figaro in the barber of seville at the nouvelle opera fribourg in switzerland on 31.12.19 and 3.1.20.
Critic the barber in Dublin:..."Figaro was sung by exciting Greek baritone GEORGIOS IATROU, who has wowed audiences with his performances in this role to date"..." Il personaggio di Figaro è stato, assegnato al baritono greco Georgios Iatru. Come lupus in fabula, anzi come “formaggio sui maccheroni” (volendo usare le sue stesse parole) , si rende da subito complice del quasi ingenuo Conte Almaviva nel suo intento di conquistare la bella Rosina. Divertente e affabile, come ogni barbiere che si rispetti, dal primo ingresso in scena."
-Gaia Garofalo,
-Gaia Garofalo,
Season 2019/20: 2 Figaros ( il barbiere di Siviglia) in Dublin national concert hall and in Fribourg opera, Dr.Falke (die Fledermaus) at the greek national opera and Orfeo (orfeo Monteverdi) at the GNO alternative stage. Also a Mozart Requiem.
Georgios just won the 3rd price at the international opera competition Ricardo Zandonai in Italy!!!
6&7 april 19 Georgios will sing the bass in Matthews Passion by J.S.Bach at the Kreuzkirche in Bonn with the amazing Vox Bona choir under Karin Freist Wissing and with a selection of great colleagues.
Georgios will sing the Aria Bass at a staged production of Matthäus Passion by J.S.Bach at the Bach Festival in Leipzig on 22nd July 2019!
Georgios will sing the role of Figaro in Barbiere di Siviglia at the Dublin National Concert Hall in October 2019. More info soon to come!
6 and 7 April 19 georgios will sing Matthews Passion by J.S. Bach at the Kreuzkirche in Bonn with the amazing Vox Bona choir und Karin Freist Wissing and a selection of great colleagues.
Georgios will sing two benefit concerts of the Mozart Requiem in Abteikirche Duisburg 16.11 at 18:00 and Stephanuskirche Duesseldorf 17.11 at 17:00.
21.1.19 Georgios will sing at the Lichtburg theater in Essen extracts from Don Giovanni, Barbiere und Fledermaus with amazing colleagues (Johannes Groß, Caroline Merz, Yvonne Pretki) under the baton of Johannes Klumpp conducting the Volkwang Kammerorchester Essen. Soon videos to come...
2.12 at 17:00 Georgios will sing the beautiful Oratorio Noel by Saint-Saens in Langenfeld.
Georgios will sing two benefit concerts in Aachen at the Musikhochschule 25.11 and in Düsseldorf at the Industrie-club 29.11.
The rehearsals of La Traviata have begun at the Opera Grand d' Avignon. Georgios will play the doctor Grenvil. Shows on 8th and 10th of June.
Critics from our Adrianna Lecouvreur in French:
Critique ResMusica: "Un très bon quatuor de comédiens (Cécile Lo Bianco, Valentine Lemercier, Mark Van Arsdale, Georgios Iatrou)".
Critique ForumOpera: "Concernant le quatuor de comédiens, on ne peut dire que du bien de Cécile Lo Bianco, Valentine Lemercier, Mark Van Arsdale et Georgios Iatrou, qui forment un ensemble très réussi".
Critique ConcertClassic: "Cécile Lo Bianco (Jouvenot), Valentine Lemercier (Dangeville), Mark Van Arsdale (Poisson) et Georgios Iatrou (Quinault) sont de parfaits comprimari au chant discipliné".
Critique Opera Online: "Les autres comprimari (Cécile Lo Bianco, Valentine Lemercier, Mark Van Arsdale et Georgios Iatrou) n'appelant aucun reproche".
Critique Wanderer: "Il faut d'ailleurs saluer les rôles de complément qui sont tous bien portés: Cécile Lo Bianco (La Jouvenot), Valentine Lemercier ( La Dangeville), Mark Van Arsdale (Poisson), Georgios Iatrou (Quinault)".
Critique ResMusica: "Un très bon quatuor de comédiens (Cécile Lo Bianco, Valentine Lemercier, Mark Van Arsdale, Georgios Iatrou)".
Critique ForumOpera: "Concernant le quatuor de comédiens, on ne peut dire que du bien de Cécile Lo Bianco, Valentine Lemercier, Mark Van Arsdale et Georgios Iatrou, qui forment un ensemble très réussi".
Critique ConcertClassic: "Cécile Lo Bianco (Jouvenot), Valentine Lemercier (Dangeville), Mark Van Arsdale (Poisson) et Georgios Iatrou (Quinault) sont de parfaits comprimari au chant discipliné".
Critique Opera Online: "Les autres comprimari (Cécile Lo Bianco, Valentine Lemercier, Mark Van Arsdale et Georgios Iatrou) n'appelant aucun reproche".
Critique Wanderer: "Il faut d'ailleurs saluer les rôles de complément qui sont tous bien portés: Cécile Lo Bianco (La Jouvenot), Valentine Lemercier ( La Dangeville), Mark Van Arsdale (Poisson), Georgios Iatrou (Quinault)".
Next stop is the opera of Saint- Etienne and Quinault in Adriana Lecouvreur. Shows on 24,26 and 28.1.18.
In x-mas spirit the next project. The beautiful work Fantasia on Christmas carols by Vaughan Williams with the Thessaloniki State Symphony Orchestra under Zoe Tsokanou in YMCA Thessaloniki on 22.12.17.
Georgios will sing Marcello in La boheme at the new opera house of the Greek National Opera in Athens on 8,13,20,24 and 27 December 17'.
The new season has begun!
Marcello (La Boheme) at the Greek National Opera
Quinault (Adriana Lecouvreur) at the Opera of St.Etienne
Dr. Grenvil (La traviata) at the Opera d´Avignon
Christmas Concert with the Thessaloniki State Orchestra
Soon more details...
Marcello (La Boheme) at the Greek National Opera
Quinault (Adriana Lecouvreur) at the Opera of St.Etienne
Dr. Grenvil (La traviata) at the Opera d´Avignon
Christmas Concert with the Thessaloniki State Orchestra
Soon more details...
Georgios won the best interprtation Prize at the Riccardo Zandonai international competition in Italy!!!
24/4/17 Georgios will sing a song recital consisting of mediterranean composers at the Thessaloniki concert hall.
11/4/17 Georgios will sing the baritone solo in the Requiem by G.Faure at the Thessaloniki concert hall.
7,8,13,14/4/17 Matthäus Passion by Bach staged at the Kreuzkirche in Bonn. Georgios will sing the (aria-)bass
info and tickets
info and tickets
12/3/17 Liederabend on the main stage of Aalto theater Essen with songs by Mediterranean composers. (@21:00)
Pianist: Yorgos Ziavras
Dancer: Julia Schalitz
Pianist: Yorgos Ziavras
Dancer: Julia Schalitz
21/1/17 Premiere Rigoletto. Georgios as Marullo @Aalto Theater Essen
14/11/16 Georgios won the song Prize at the Antonio Bertolini Competition in Milano!!!
21/10/16 Jumping-in for Schaunard in La boheme at the opera of Bonn.
Critics Il Barbiere di Siviglia:
"From Georgios Iatrou masterfully sang and played... "
Rheinischer Post
"Georgios Iatrou fulfills the special role of Figaro with an open, clear, dark coloured voice."
"Georgios Iatrou is a vigorous Barbier..."
"Georgios Iatrou (here also as a conductors double) is an agile Figaro-Baritone..."
Westfälischen Anzeiger
"As a new member of the ensemble the greek Georgios Iatrou presents himself with an elegant baritone... in the aria Largo al factotum with an always growing velvety power."
"From Georgios Iatrou masterfully sang and played... "
Rheinischer Post
"Georgios Iatrou fulfills the special role of Figaro with an open, clear, dark coloured voice."
"Georgios Iatrou is a vigorous Barbier..."
"Georgios Iatrou (here also as a conductors double) is an agile Figaro-Baritone..."
Westfälischen Anzeiger
"As a new member of the ensemble the greek Georgios Iatrou presents himself with an elegant baritone... in the aria Largo al factotum with an always growing velvety power."
Premier Il barbiere di Siviglia in Aalto Theater Essen with Georgios as Figaro, 4 June 2016
Next shows 9,18,22,24,26&30 June 2016, 3&9 July 2016
Music director Giacomo Sagripanti
Stage director Jan Philipp Gloger
Next shows 9,18,22,24,26&30 June 2016, 3&9 July 2016
Music director Giacomo Sagripanti
Stage director Jan Philipp Gloger
Georgios will sing at the fundraising concert for the Syrian immigrants at the Kreuzeskirche Essen
8th May 2016 at 18:00
8th May 2016 at 18:00
Georgios to sing Valentin in Faust 9&11 March 2016 in Aalto Theater Essen
Music director Sébastien Rouland
Scene director, Stage Philipp Stölzl
Co-director Mara Kurotschka
Music director Sébastien Rouland
Scene director, Stage Philipp Stölzl
Co-director Mara Kurotschka